HSI Equity Talks

The HSI Equity Talks are a place for regular discussion on topics relevant to UCSC as a Hispanic-Serving Institution. We seek to engage speakers from across campus as we welcome the attendees to engage critically with the content presented at these talks. Together we will unpack complex topics centered on the praxis equity and servingness.

Fall 2024 - Envisioning HSI: Graduate Studies and the HSRU

This forum took place Friday, November 15, 2024 and featured presentations about the programs being developed by the Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Research Universities, including a new postdoc program. In addition, a panel of faculty discussed support systems for graduate students, postdocs, and other faculty. We explored the ways undergraduate programs and grants can help diversify graduate studies programs and support pathways to the professoriate. Lastly, we introduced the HSI Ecosystem that includes faculty, various programs, and staff working in current HSI programs at UCSC. 

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Presentation Slides Briefing Packet

Winter 2025 - "Cultivando un Ecosistema de Apoyo" HSI Showcase

On January 30, 2025, the UCSC HSI Initiatives hosted our second campus-wide showcase!

The event featured presentations, panels, and workshops providing tangible tools that strengthen our capacity to meet Latiné students’ needs. Our shared goal for this showcase was to center, honor, and uplift the best practices and approaches that contribute to servingness, keeping in mind that when we improve our services and teaching practices with Latiné students in mind, all UCSC students benefit. 

Learn more about this event here.

Spring 2025 - "Histories of UCSC Chicanx/Latinx Student Activism" Equity Talk with Luis Garcia, Alex Santiago, Julian Serrano, Jamie Dy, and Dr. Jessica Taft 

The Huerta Center’s Histories of UCSC Chicanx/Latinx Student Activism Project engages undergraduate students in a collaborative process of recovering, documenting, and sharing the critical role Latinx student activists have played in the ongoing efforts to make UCSC into a more inclusive and equitable institution. Drawing on archival research and historical interviews with alumni, students created a digital zine and series of instagram posts that explores the transformative political visions and enduring impacts of generations of Latinx student activists who sought to transform the campus and created their own communities of belonging and care in the process.

In this presentation, we will share some of the key organizations, campaigns, and movements led by Latinx student activists and other students of color over the past sixty years.  Then, we’ll talk about how learning about the legacy of Latinx student activism matters for contemporary Latine students’ perceptions of UCSC and their own relationships to the institution. Finally, we’ll address our ongoing efforts to increase the visibility of this history across different campus contexts and how other campus units can support this initiative. 
Date and location details are TBA.
Digital Zine


Past Equity Talks