Transfer Coherence

The Transfer Coherence component of the Cultivamos Excelencia project focuses on building the capacity for academic departmental understanding of Latinx Transfer student success and identify actions they can take to improve Transfer Coherence (Zemsky et al., 2018; Ward, 2020; Park and Ngo, 2021; Sublett & Orenstein 2021). We define Transfer Coherence as intentionally integrating community college coursework and transfer student experiences into department curricular design and advising practices. This is grounded in creating a Transfer Receptive Culture (Jain et. al 2020) and continues to develop the skills of equity minded practitioners to engage in Practitioner Inquiry as a Driver of Change (Dowd et al. 2015).  

We have identified three levels of skill development:


What to expect:

  • Transfer Awareness and Action Workshop led by TLC: Participants will gain insight into Transfer Student experiences and will learn the components of a Transfer-Receptive Culture. More details coming soon!
  • Asynchronous Transfer Awareness and Action Canvas Modules: Short topic specific modules that allow for a deeper dive into transfer relevant topics.
  • Transfer Summits: Taking place in 2026 and 2027, these summits will convene key individuals who hold similar roles (faculty, staff, and adminidatrors) from UCSC and our Community College Partners. 

Research and Resources

infographic_pic Check out this Infographic to learn more about the experiences of transfer students at UCSC.
power2thetransferbookcover Jain, Dimpal, et al. Power to the Transfer: Critical Race Theory and a Transfer Receptive Culture. Michigan State University Press, 2020.

Chenportillo, Lezra. First Gen Transfer: A Transfer Guide for First-Generation California Community College Students. 2nd ed., San Jose City College, 2023.